Thursday, September 17, 2015 1:00 PM (ET), Polyurethane Film & Sheet Extrusion Lines

Surplus Equipment Due to the Merger of Two Large Polyurethane Film and Sheet Manufacturing Companies, Including: Blown Film Lines, Extrustion Lines, Blending & Drying Equipment, Material Handling Equipment, Plant Support, etc.
Easthampton, Massachusetts - United States
Johnson 4.5" 30/1 L/D Non Vented Extruder Includes 300 HP DC Motor and Motor Control, H2O Cooled Barrel, Lufkin Gear Box S/N 1394-17, Ref S/N 5634D14 w/ 13/1 Gear Ratio, Includes Temperature Control Panel, DC Drive and Isolation Transformer
Johnson 2.5" 28/1 L/D Extruder w/ 60 HP DC Motor and Motor Control, Includes Johnson Gearbox w/ 70 HP Rating and 1.25SF, H2O Cooled Barrel and Temperature Control Panel Having 5 Eurotherm 2204e Instruments and 6 Barber Coleman 580 Die Zone Instruments
Egan 3.5" Extruder w/ 28/1 L/D Equipped w/ 125 HP DC Motor and WER Scr Motor Control, H2O Cooled Barrel, 16.94/1 Gear Ratio at 188 HP, Includes Temperature Control Panel w/ Tough Screen HMI
Johnson 80" Sheet Stack w/ 18" OD 3 Roll, Downstack Operation, Hydraulic Loaded Rolls, Chain Driven, Includes Spare Chrom Chill Roll, Has 20' Cooling Conveyor, H2O Pumping System, Score Cut Slitting Station, NDC "Minitrack" Thickness Gauge New 2004 S/N S177, Rubber Pull Roll Station and Multi Position Video Inspection Station
Gloucester 43" Sheet Stack w/ 12" OD 3 Roll Stack Hydraulic Loaded Rolls, Chain Driven, Includes H2O Pumping System, 20' Cooling Conveyor, Slitting Station and Rubber Pull Roll Station
MPM 66" Sheet Stack w/ 12" 3 Roll Stack Pneumatic Loaded Rolls, Chain Driven, H2O Pumping System NDC Thickness Gauge and Rubber Pull Roll Station w/ Edge Guide and Slitting Station
(2) Egan "Back to Back" Turret Winders, 80" Face Width, for 24" OD Roll Package, Includes Secondary Nip Roll Assembly, Includes Dancer Station, Slitting Station, Individual 2 HP Roll Drives to Each Position and Fife Edge Guide w/ Hydraulic Pump, Winder
Egan 80" Turret Winder for 24" OD Rolls Includes Cleaning Station for Top & Bottom of Web
Poly Mag 64" Accumulator & Gloucester Turret Winder for 24" OD Rolls, Model 115, S/N 21224-39
Killion Lab Blown Film Line Including: 2" Extruder w/ 24/1 L/D & 20 HP DC Motor, Temperature Control Panel, Extruder Mounted Novatec Model 25 Desiccant Dryer and 18" OD x 28" High Drying Hopper, 3" Blown Film Die and Air Ring, 16" Wide Nip Mounted in a 9'6" Adjustable Tower w/ Collapsing Frame and 2 Position, Cantilevered Winder
(10) Novatec Desiccant Dryers Models: NPD300, NPD220, NPD150 & NPD100
(2) NBE Steel Screw Blenders w/ 5 HP Motor, 48" OC x 24" Straight Side x 40" Cone Bottom
(2) NBE Conical Steel Hopper Blender w/ 5 HP Motor, Hopper is 48" OD x 45" Cone, Mounted on Legs
Nelmore 10 HP Granulator w/ 10" x 12" Feed Throat and Portable Base
Polymer 10 HP System Granulator 9" x 12" Feed Throat
86" Coretec Manual Operated Core Cutter
90" Coretech Model 8/90 Manual Core Cutter S/N 11660
Jones & Lamson Optical Comparator Model TC10
Nicolet Infrared Spectrophotometer "Protege 460" ESP
Ingersoll Rand Screw Compressor Model SSR EP75 S/N CK2293U99211, 332 CFRM, 125 PSIG, 460 Volts, 3/60 Hz
Zeks Air Dryer Model 400HSEA400 S/N 141121, 1 HP Compressor, 460 Volt
Ingersoll Rand Screw Compressor Model IRN75 H-CC S/N NV3051U07337, 75 HP, 145 PSIG, 60790 Hours
Linde 3,500 Lb Electric Fork Truck, 3 Wheel, Solid Tire, w/ "Workhourse" 48 DC Volts Series 2 Model 24R0600E3D Charger, S/N 07J40846, 185" Lift
Too Much to List - See Lot Catalog For Complete Listing and Photos
Please get rigging and shipping quotes prior to bidding and bid accordingly.
All buyers located outside of the United States & Canada should contact Irina Lekhums (email: or Phone: 203-458-0709), for bidder approval. A $5,000 refundable deposit may be required. Bidding priveleges may be denied until the deposit has been received.
Currency: (USD). This auction will be conducted in United States currency (USD)
Buyer's Premium: 15%
Staggered Closing Times: Lots Have 60-Second Staggered Closing Times.
Auto Extend Bidding: If a bid is submitted with less than 3-minutes remaining, the closing time for that lot will be extended by 3-minutes.
Payment Due In Full: Friday, September 18, 2015
Payment Types: Certified Check or Wire Transfer
As-Is Where-Is: All Items Are Sold "As-Is Where-Is" With No Warranty or Guarantee of Operating Condition. Auctioneer Strongly Recommends That Buyers Inspect Equipment Prior to Bidding.
Removal: All items must be removed by Thursday, October 1, 2015.
Removal Costs: Buyers are fully responsible for all cost to remove their purchases. Please get removal quotes prior to bidding and bid accordingly.
Legally Binding Contract: All bids constitute a legally binding contract and bidders will be legally obligated to make payment and remove items in accordance with the terms and conditions of the sale.
Equipment Location | 412 Main Street Easthampton, Massachusetts 01027 United States |
Auction Type | Online Auction - Internet Bidding Only |
Auction Date | First Lot Closes: Thursday, September 17, 2015, 1:00 PM (ET) |
Inspection | Tuesday, September 15, 9 AM to 4 PM |